Girl's Improvers Class
This is an invitation only class - children will be selected to join the class from our recreational classes
Recreational gymnasts may be invited into this class for further development, with the prospect of being moved into a competitive squad class. Also competitive squad girls may be moved into this class to work on their core strength and flexibility, if they fail to improve in squads.
Gymnasts can wear shorts and T-shirt or a leotard. Leotards are available to buy at our gym, in the welcome hall.
1.5 Hour Classes - Under 10s
Girl's Improvers Class
This class is designed as a stepping between our 1-hour Recreational Classes and our Competitive Squad.
The class is more formal than our recreational sessions, and gymnasts are expected to work on their strength and flexibility.
Children will work towards the first competition levels, as well as work on the basic moves and progressions on beam, floor, bars, vault and trampette.
This class also introduces more demanding skills through safe and challenging progressions.
Thursday 5.15pm - 6.45pm
Days and Times

Classes run during school term time only
£6.00 a session - paid half termly
Affiliations, Funding and Rules
Cumbria based WA clubs
Leotards, Handguards and Equipment